News from the Townships
Regular meeting of the St. James Township Board held May 7
2003 with all members present.
A change in requirements for setting off fireworks was announced
as required by the Township Insurance Plan. A Professional Pyrotechnician
must set off fireworks rather than the Fireman. Chief McDonough
has a lead on someone to handle the fireworks.
Dust control for Island scheduled to be applied June 7th.
Board approved EMS to use the small office in the Township Hall
as a temporary office space for their computer and files.
Board approved resolution to accept terms of agreement with DNR
for Yacht Dock Project.
Letter to be sent to Charlevoix County Road Commission requesting
Main Street between Forest Ave. and Bonner Ave. be restricted
to parking on one side of street only. Request will be for parking
on west side only.
A letter will be sent to business owners asking that employees
not park on Main St. during working hours. Also a letter will
be sent to the Boat Co. asking for their assistance in making
passengers aware that parking is available at Boat Co. parking
lot, rather than on Main Street when they leave the Island.
Board approved proceeding with plans for a picnic area at the
end of the bike trail at the Township Campground.
Township Engineer Gary Voogt has informed the Township that corrections
will be made to the sewer pipe depth where it froze during the
winter months. As construction of the bike path crosses the area
of the sewer pipe, additional dirt and gravel will be placed over
the pipe.
Regular meeting of the Peaine Township Board, May 14 2003
Members present: John Works, Paul Nelson, Colleen Martin, Christina
Morgan, and Judith Lanier.
MOTION Nelson, second Morgan to approve the 4/9/03 minutes, motion
approved. MOTION Lanier, second Nelson to approve payment of current
bills, motion approved.
Resolution #010105, to accept the Michigan Bureau of Aeronautics
grant to purchase Welter's hangar and authorize the supervisor
to sign the grant, was offered by Nelson, and supported by Morgan.
Ayes: Nelson, Morgan, Works, Lanier, Martin. Resolution passed.
MOTION Works, second Nelson to approve the $2,400.00 payment
to Architecture Technology for the initial retainer fee on the
new fire barn; motion approved. St. James Township will share
half of this bill.
Bill McDonough has requested our $1,000.00 contribution to the
Partnership Fund. Works will request a detailed accounting of
these funds.
MOTION Works, second Morgan to hire Jeans Lawn Service
to do the seasonal grass-cutting at the Peaine Township Hall;
motion carried.
MOTION Lanier, second Works to approve the additional cost not
to exceed $1500.00 on the zoning ordinance by our planner; Gosling
Czubak; motion approved. Cost to be split with St. James Township.
Dust control is scheduled to come over on June 6th.
Planning Commission has approved a 4-way split on the Old Rectory
property. A public hearing will be held on the Pingel and Schwartzfisher
gravel pits. Master planning survey will go out to all residents
and property owners.
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