Camp Quality Returns
Once again the Camp Quality kids cancer patients and survivors,
14-18 will spend an extended week-end on Beaver Island.
This June 13th through the 16th will be the 3rd year for them
to be here, and they've added some events, and chosen Exploring
the Native American Way of Life as their theme. They'll
tour Deerwood and then meet with Skip Duhamel to watch him carve
a new Totem Pole and pick up some tips, and then gather at the
Stone Circle for a talk about its possible significance by Don
Meister. CMU will show them around the Bio Station and Miller's
Marsh, and they'll have lunch on the Dawsons porch and climb
the Big Rock.
The Youth Consortium is going to make a presentation, and Dalwhinne
will pack them picnic lunches. If they have time, they'll ride
bikes around town, Gull Harbor, and Donegal Bay. They love their
time here, and we thoroughly enjoy seeing happy expressions on
their faces.
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