BIRHC to Raffle Truck
In response to popular demand, the Beaver Island Rural Health
Center will raffle a Chevy S-10 pickup truck, currently on display
next to the clinic. It has the following features: Classy pewter
color, extended cab, 6 cylinder engine, 4X4 drive, aluminum wheels,
cruise control, CD player and radio, and split seats. A maximum
of 500 tickets will be sold beginning in June, with the drawing
to be held on Labor Day. Tickets cost $100. The winner can take
delivery in the first week of November or opt for a check for
$15,000 cash in the first week of September.
The BIRHC Board is very grateful for the help of Board member
Pete LoDico who negotiated the trucks purchase, traveled
to the mainland to pick it up, and donated $2,200 worth of credits
on his GM card. Special thanks as well go to Ken and Loretta Slater
who authorized the purchase through Ken's GM discount. In addition,
a beautiful glass bead charm bracelet donated by Nancy Peterson
will be awarded as a door prize. Raffle proceeds will be crucial
to filling the gap in the BIRHC budget resulting from the loss
of its operating grant from the State of Michigan.
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