All of Beaver Island came together on June 25th 2004 to toast
the extensive and coordinated efforts that led through many twists
and turns to the creation of our new Health Center. Senator Phil
Hoffman was the MC for an hour-and-a-half procession of thanking
to a large audience that took its seats after touring the new
facility, donut in hand (provided by Eric Hodgson at no charge),
and observing a demonstration of the telemedicine program. The
first to be thanked were the Gill and Traudt families, who responded
to Bill McDonough's entreaty by working with Ed Wojan (who donated
many services) to figure out how to give $200,000 worth of land
(purchased by the family back in 1906) to the BIRHC. Ed called
in a few more favors: Dennis Penfold did the needed appraisal;
Northern Preferred Title provided title insurance; Ferguson/ Chamberlain
did surveying; Abrams Aerials provided a topo map from Evan Karnes'
material; and Jim Wojan donated the entire cost of a needed access
Anne Glendon recounted the many steps required to get this far:
coming to terms with the shortcomings of the old facility; creating
a task force to determine what was needed; and developing a funding
plan. B. J. Wyckoff was instrumental in convincing the Island
it needed and deserved a first-class facility, and Pete LoDico
took it upon himself to investigate the needs of seniors. Don
Spencer added that Practice Management Associates from St. Claire
had provided guidance, and a search committee had settled on Hobbs
+ Black as the project architect.
Don also had high praise for Robert Gillespie, and for two of
his helpers, John McCafferty and Kevin Barry McDonough, as well
as for Haggards Plumbing and Heating and Daman Electric. He thanked
Universal Sign for free signage, Munson Hospital for donated furnishings
and computers, Ed Welter for providing free storage; Paul Armstrong
for the PA system (given to the AmVets and loaned for this occasion);
BJ and Bob Hoogendorn for the flowers; Frank Solle for his pictures;
Jon Fogg for his tent; the Grand Traverse May Band for its $25,000
grant; Providence Hospital for the equipment it donated, and Parker
Motor Freight and Morse Moving for their shipping of donations
to the Island. Board President Connie Wojan praised Don Spencer,
who was the building project manager, for his perseverance and
for maintaining a level head as the storms swirled around. Don
received a round of applause for his efforts.
The audience was full of people who had helped: Jim Haveman,
just back from Iraq; representatives from Ken Bradstreet, Bart
Stupak, and Carl Levin; Jason Allen, Joe Gougeon, and Mickey Mortimer;
Shirley Roloff and Mary Beth Kur; Bob Tambellini; Undersheriff
Snyder and his deputies; and our local Supervisors, John Works
and Don Vyse, to name a few. Arlene Brennan praised the staff
now in place: Sue Solle, Donna Kubic, Betty Hudgins, Barb Ken,
Pam Nicholas, and Grace Matela.
Joe Reed touched on the newly-launched Capital Campaign, saying
that Dr. Lange's efforts had created an endowment fund of $111,000
at the CCCF, which the Board wants to grow to $1,500,000 to produce
about $70,000 in income for operations. An unnamed donor offered
a three-part $300,000 Challenge Grant, and Joe said the first
third has been matched (thanks to Robert Gillespie, Jackie Madigan,
Phyllis & Elwood Baker, Lois & Arnie Rich, and others.)
Excited, he also said that the Welter Foundation had agreed to
pay to pave the entire BIRHC parking lot.

After months of wrangling, it was good to find that a sense of
accomplishment had produced a feeling of peace. For the first
time the Island was able to step back and bask in this tremendous
achievement, which had required the combined efforts of dozens
and dozens of people. The spirit that swept over the 140 people
squeezed into the tent was that if we continue to work together,
there is absolutely no limit to what we can do.
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