Museums hold Open House
One day after Volunteer Coordinator par excellance Joyce Bartels
held her annual Docent Orientation, both Island museums opened
their doors for regular business holding an Open House at which
a near-record 77 guests sampled numerous delightful treats. Spring
cleaning was finished in plenty of time (with five minutes to
go); new exhibits were completed, new books put on display, and
the grounds spruced up to welcome the public to confront its past.
Interest in history abounds, to judge by the broad interest in
the museums. One day Tim Carroll and his sisters arrived to inquire
about Benjamin Rice, their great great great grandfather who had
lived here with his five daughters, supporting them by hauling
cargo around Lake Michigan in his sailing ship; when Strang arrived
in 1847, he was one of those who quickly saw the writing on the
wall and relocated to the Mission Peninsula. A few days later
nine heirs of Galon Cole arrived with their story, passed down
through generations, of how their ancestor escaped the clutches
of the Mormon King: Strang was tightening his fist, and
they weren't sure he'd let them go. So the kids were told to put
on layer after layer of clothes. They got into a longboat and
pushed off, saying See you in a couple of days. But they never
came back; nor their children or grandchildren. In fact, we're
the first. That was in 1851.
Next came Roxanne Selby, hoping to locate the grave of her ancestors,
John Oliver and his Native American wife. No trace could be found,
but she encountered Terri Bussey, who offered to help. Terri was
here to scout the next site for an archaeological dig for 32 students
from Leelanau, and to offer some of the artifacts from last year's
excavation (French pottery; a huge beaver tooth drilled for a
necklace) to the museum. She thought John was buried near the
remains of his cabin, and said she would try to find documentation.
The next day the owners of the Stonehedge Fiber Mill arrived to
look for a trace of George Williams, who had fallen through the
ice delivering the mail 80 years ago. Ed McCauley came from Nome
to see where his grandfather had stepped off the dock and drowned
on 12-12-1912. And so it continues, now that the Museums are open
for the summer.
BIHS moves forward with Heritage Park
After taking 27 loads of debris to the Transfer Station, the
Historical Society began to work in earnest on its long-planned
Heritage Park. It boxed up the hundred old bottles found on the
lot, hired trimmers to limb the trees, and moved all the artifacts
that had been dropped off over the years to the property's edge.
It organized the Barns interior and then, with a generous
assist from Gary Vogt and H & D, flattened and blacktopped
a four-car parking lot.
The next step was to fill in the depressions and cover them with
black dirt, which was nearing completion by late June. Because
of bequests of old farm equipment from the Bluebird and Al Hunting,
new exhibits have arrived on the site and are waiting for placement.
A split-rail fence is planned for the east edge, with the cost
shared by neighbor Keith Albin. Signs and plantings will soon
Museum Week 2003
Sunday afternoon: House Party at the Bonner Farm, 4:00
to 8:00 p.m.
Monday July 14
Dan Chingwa, master Beader, on the history and techniques of Native
American Beadmaking at 2:00 p.m.
Music on the Porch at 8:00 p.m.
Year-arounders or visitors; Hat Passing
Tuesday July 15
Antje Price will Open the Protar Home from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m.
Well-known Native American author/ historian Simon Otto talks
about Indian history, culture, and lore at 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday July 16
Nature Walk for Adults in the morning.
$10. Leaves from CMU at 9:00 a.m.
Mary Blocksma signs her new book,
What's on the Beach on the Print Shop Porch starting at 2:00
The Ray Denny Memorial Art Show
at the BICS Gym begins at noon
Robert Cole presents recordings and conversation about the past
at 8:00 p.m.
Thursday July 17
Nature Walk for Kids leaves from CMU at 9:00 a.m. (Limit 25) $5.
Jim Gillingham's Wonderful World of Amphibians and Reptiles at
2:00 p.m.
The Art Show continues, noon to 4:00
MaryAnn Moore and Madeline Jones: Life in a Straights-area Lighthouse;
a costumed re-enactment with local support at 8:00 p.m.
Friday July 18
Another Nature Walk for Kids leaves from CMU at 9:00 a.m. $5.
MaryAnn Moore and Madeline Jones in period costume tell Lighthouse
Tales for Children at 2:00 p.m.
The Art Shows final afternoon
Pinky's Bold-stakes no-ringers-allowed Bingo Game at 8:00 p.m.
Saturday July 19
The Pet Show on the Print Shop porch at noon. All children and
pets welcome
Antje Price will open the Protar Home between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.
The Conkin Celi Band: concert at 8:00; drinks start at 9:00 p.m.
Arranmore Twinning Celebration: slides and stories during intermission.
Tickets are available at the Print Shop (231) 448-2254, or at
the door.
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