The Bike Path: an Unqualified Success
the subgrade was being prepared for the mile-long bike path leading
from town to the North Shore campground, the buzz contained several
notes of skepticism: Does it have to be so wide? Can't it be longer?
Couldn't we save the grand old tree in the middle of the Beaver
Lodge Road? But once it was built and opened to the public in
early June, it was apparent that Township Engineer Gary Vogt and
the H & D crew knew their business. From dawn until dark it's
being used by walkers and runners, by people on bikes or skates,
singly or in groups or with their dog. It contains level sections
and slopes, straightaways and curves, sunny stretches and shade,
providing a variety of surroundings along its length. At its terminus
the Township has created a little park by installing 3 picnic
tables and 3 grills outside the entry to the campground. Coupled
with the picnic area planned for Heritage Park, this gives walkers
and riders a place to cool down at either end. Now all we need
is a similar bike path to Donegal Bay.
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