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July 2003
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4th of July Festivities

BITA - BIBCO Reach an Agreement

Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance on the Agenda

Vanishing Sturgeon

PABI's 1st Annual Goofy Golf Tournament

Rita Gillespie Memorial Blood Drive

Tara runs like the Wind

News from Beaver Island Hospice & Helping Hands

On This Date

Rutan Experimentals Fly-In at the Township Airport

Annual Firemen’s Picnic

Barry Pischner's New CD: Sailing On

The Island Welcomes New Sheriff Jim Campbell

The Bike Path: an Unqualified Success

Museum Week 2003 Schedule; Museums hold Open House

Some interesting occurrences at Meetings

A Solstice Celebration: The Second Annual High Tea

Whiskey Point Restoration; Rectory Auction

Camp Quality does Beaver Island

Charlevoix County Commission Meetings

Celebrating Flag Day

Charlie's Model A: on the way to the Shop

One Hundred Years Ago

The “Seven Sisters” Opens

BIRHC Board has Opening

Sunset Cruises available Once Again

Bob Hannon: 1950-2003

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BIRHC Board has Opening

At the June 10th meeting the Beaver Island Rural Health Center Board adopted mission statements The Center’s is “To provide high-quality cost-effective patient treatment and wellness services to the whole Beaver Island Community.” The Board’s purpose is “To make policy and planning decisions which enable the Center to accomplish its mission, and to insure the Center’s long-term financial stability.”

The board considers these commitments the first step in completing a comprehensive strategic plan mapping the direction for the Center going forward. The “platform” for the strategic plan was built several years ago by a community-wide planning task force which issued its report in August of 2000.

Given the tasks which will be driven by the Board’s plans, it’s important that several current Board vacancies be filled with responsible, dedicated community members. With this in mind, Board President Connie Wojan is inviting interested parties to submit applications to join the Board in carrying out its mission. Requirements are simply that Board members:

  • Champion the BIRHC in the community;

  • Commit to the mission of the BIRHC and the goals and objectives approved by the Board

  • Attend meetings regularly and be active on at least one committee

  • Actively support all efforts to insure the long-term financial stability of the BIRHC;

  • Honor/confidentiality pledge: accept the distinction between the Board’s role (governance) and the Manager’s role (insuring that operating objectives are met), and support the chief operating manager so she/he can be successful.

Letters of interest should be addressed to Connie Wojan Please include a statement indicating where you could make the most effective contribution to the Board.

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