One Hundred Years Ago
Charlevoix Sentinel, May 14, 1903 Beaver Island News
John Stevens of the B. I. L. Co. took a trip to Manistee
last week.
The new railroad is ready for the rails. All the ties are
Peter O. Donnell (sic) has his ice cream parlor fixed up
in fine style for the summer trade.
The farmers now have all their peas in the ground. Over
3000 bushels have been sown.
The telephone line put in by Fr. Zugelder is in splendid
working order. George Emery of Charlevoix put in the line.
John Green and Raymond McDonald have their pound stakes
driven in Sand Bay ready for summer pound net fishing.
Jas. Donlevy is having the entire interior and exterior
of his store and residence painted. Jas. McCormick is doing the
Mr. John Stevens is buying a lot from Landenburg where
he will at once begin the erection of a building for a residence.
The four big boilers of the shingle and lumber plant were
steamed up last week trying steam packing and getting in trim
to start up soon.
The tug Ryan owned by the B. I. L. Co. Capt. Tim Roddy,
made two good tows of cedar and hemlock last week. The Ryan has
a good crew and a first class captain.
John S. Gallagher who lives at the head of the Island was
violently ill at his home on Friday of last week. His life was
at first despaired of but medical aid was secured in time to save
his life.
Rev. A. F. Nagler, pastor of the M. E. Church, spent two
days last week on the Island as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson.
While here he addressed the children and older members of the
Union Sunday School.
F. M. Lasham the fruit tree man is on the Island selling
apple trees at half price. We are informed on good authority that
the stock is first class, therefore giving our farmers an unusual
opportunity of getting a strictly high class of fruit trees.
Mrs. Charles Gordon returned from her visit to Charlevoix
Friday. She brought back her sister Mrs. John P. Maloney wife
of our old friend John P. Maloney, clerk of the city of Charlevoix.
Mrs. Maloney will spend a few days visiting friends on the Island.
C. C. Gallagher has been renovating the building north
of his place of business with the idea of putting in a barbershop
and restaurant. There is now a good opening for a first class
barber and a neat well lighted shop to put him into, and about
100 victims a week for his blade. A good restaurant keeper would
do a nice business.
Joyce Bartels
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