Chambers 2003 Citizen of the Year Banquet

On April 12th Beaver Islands Chamber of Commerce gathered
85 hungry celebrants at the Shamrock Bar and Grill for its 2nd
annual 'Citizen of the Year' banquet. As always, there were many
deserving nominations for this award, but the winner was, as speaker
and Chamber Vice-president Bill Thomas said, someone you
hope you dont see, unless you need them, and in that case
you can thank your lucky stars that they have made all the sacrifices
they have and are there, ready to pitch in and help, Beaver
Islands Emergency Medical Service.
Pictured above with presenter Bill Thomas are the life-saving
EMS crew: (from left to right) Bill McDonough, Tim McDonough,
Christie VanLooy, Joe Timsak, Michelle LaFreniere, Roye Meis,
Ken Bruland, Gerald LaFreniere, and Joe Moore.
Not only have they spent hundreds and hundreds of hours learning
techniques and how to use their equipment, but they have also
fought for funds, sponsored events, and started a First
Response program in the school, which will, hopefully, provide
their eventual replacements.
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