AmVets perform for Beaver Island
The AmVets have established themselves as a major positive force
on Beaver Island!
2002, local post #46 accomplished many goals through its programspancake
breakfasts and a pork roast. Because of the fantastic support
of the community, the AmVets were able to provide three separate
scholarships to second-year college students, and also contribute
funds to the Beaver Island Community School, sponsor and fund
an Easter Egg Hunt for Island children, and help fund a Christmas
party for the kids at the Emerald
Isle Hotel. From the spring to early fall it participated
in monthly Harbor Clean-ups starting at Whiskey Point and going
to the Parish Hall. It placed flags on the graves of deceased
veterans at both Island cemeteries, and placed flagssupplied
by the Bissell Corporationon various village sites. The
AmVets have received much support, for which they are thankful.
For 2003, AmVets Post 46 asks you to mark these dates in your
schedule. For pancake breakfasts: May 25, July 6, August 3, August
31, and October 5. The ever-popular pig roast will be held on
Saturday, August 16th. On August 2nd, at the Parish Hall, there
will be A Trip Down Memory Lane, a sock hop with poodle
skirts, white bucks, and bow ties.
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