News from the Townships
St. James Township, regular meeting of 4-2-03 with all members
Problems with new sewer system unresolved at this time. Engineer
will be on the Island soon to resolve this.
The EMS is requesting temporary office space in the Township Hall.
This will be reviewed by the Board.
Information has been received about the Yacht Dock improvements
from engineer John Schlak of United Design. He says the State
has changed the standards for electricity on docks. The Township
will try to work with the DNR on the changes required.
The Board approved the appointment of Rich Gillespie and Grace
Matela to the BITA for terms of three years.
The Board approved the appointment of Rick Speck and Don Tritsch
to the St. James Township Planning Commission for three years,
to replace Jim Wojan and Ray Cole, who resigned.
The Board approved salary increases of 1.5% for the Assessor/Zoning
Administrator, the Maintenance Manager, and the Dock Master. A
$1.00/hour increase for the Maintenance employee was also approved.
Peaine Township Regular meeting of 4-9-03
Members present: John Works, Colleen Martin, Christina Morgan,
Paul Nelson, and Judy Lanier.
MOTION Nelson, second Morgan, to approve the 3-12-03 minutes;
PASSED. MOTION Nelson, second Lanier, to approve the current bills
for payment; PASSED. MOTION Nelson, second Morgan, to approve
the 2003-04 Budget; PASSED.
MOTION Works, second Nelson, to authorize Christina Morgan, Township
Treasurer, to do all the Township's banking with Charlevoix State
Planning Commission Report: progress is being made on codes,
maps, and new ordinances.
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