News from the Townships
St. James, December 4, 2003:
Regular meeting of the St. James Township Board: all members present.
Donegal Bay Trail project to be re-bid in spring due to an error in the bidding process according to the State.
Another award was presented for the paving of the Main St./Michigan Avenue project of 2001 from the Michigan Association of Paving.
Rich Gillespie and Grace Matella were appointed on a month to month basis to the BITA.
The proposal to change Main Street from the Print Shop to the Public Beach to a one-way street tabled at this time. Supervisor asking for input from residents on this issue.
Board approved Chamber of Commerce membership.
Board approved re-appointment for two years for Jim McDonough, Judith Harmon (Pinky), and Mike Green to serve on Board of Review.
Board approved removing the language regarding the sign permit fee from the Zoning Ordinance and setting a standard $25 fee for sign permit.
Board approved Gordon Heikka for snowplowing for the Township.
The request from EMS to enlarge garage area at Medical Center Building for an ambulance will be reviewed.
St. James, January 2
Regular meeting of the St. James Township Board.
Board approved appointment of Jim Wojan and Don Vyse from St. James Township to help decide on a plan for the future of the Health Center Building. Two to be appointed from Peaine Township.
BITA appointments tabled for January for lack of quorum.
Rick Speck re-appointed to Health Center Board for one year.
Amendment to Lighthouse Grant Resolution approved to include $2,500 match from the Township.
Board approved increase retroactive to Jan. 1, for the cost of green bags to $2.25.
Letter read from Jackie LaFreniere requesting something be done with the piece from 9/11. Suggestions are the Library or Paradise Park. As a member of the Library Board, Jean Palmer stated this suggestion would be brought before the Board at their January meeting. The piece will be stored at the BITA building until spring and a permanent location can be found.
No decision on the one-way street at this time.
Peaine Township, January 9, 2003
Regular Meeting. Members present: Works, Martin, Nelson, Morgan . Members absent: Lanier
MOTION Morgan, second Nelson to approve the 12-11-02 regular meeting minutes: approved.
MOTION Works, second Morgan to approve the 12-10-02 special meeting minutes, motion approved.
MOTION Works, second Martin to approve the current bills: approved.
Old business: Lake Geneserath dredging. Letter received from DEQ requesting more drawings, and a letter from landowner. Also, a $50.00 permit fee is required. Additional paperwork will be sent on Friday.
MOTION Morgan, second Martin to appoint Paul Nelson as our township representative on the Medical Center Board for a 1-year term: approved.
MOTION Morgan, second Nelson to appoint Susan Myers to the Library Board for a 4-year term: approved.
Jeff Cashman gave a presentation on a Peaine Township Website proposal. Initial set-up design would cost $100.00, then a $10.00 monthly fee for updates and a $20.00/hr. fee for major projects to be added. Some ideas were to include Peaine Township's history, maps, zoning ordinance, recreation plan, and the township minutes. The board is in favor of the website and asked Cashman to prepare a contract for approval at the February meeting.
Medical Center report by Connie Wojan: Bids for the new Medical Center building will go out on January 24, 2003, and construction is scheduled to begin in April. Jim Wojan pushed in a road on the Medical Center land, for the cost of labor and fuel.
Public comment: Elaine West stated that the World Trade Center piece given to Beaver Island needs a place to be displayed out of the weather. Suggestions were the Library, Arranmore Park, or the Lighthouse Memorial. John Works will serve on a committee to get this project going.
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