News from the Townships
Peaine Township: Regular Meeting of July 10, 2002.
Members present: Works; Martin; Nelson; Lanier. Absent: Kubic.
MOTION Works, second Nelson: to approve the 6-12-02minutes; Approved. MOTION Nelson, second Lanier: to approve payment of current bills; Approved. MOTION Works, second Nelson: to approve the Beaver Island Rural Health Center Contract contingent on the modifications of the by-laws by the Medical Board; Approved. MOTION Lanier, second Works: to contribute $50.00 to the Presidential Freedom Scholarship Fund for the Beaver Island Community School; Approved.
Judy Lanier stated that the Master Planning launch effort has begun. The first meeting was held on July 9, 2002, with many attending to understand the issues and just hear from the people of Peaine Township. Future meetings will include the history of planning and land use.
Paul Nelson stated that the MTA Chapter annual picnic is still scheduled for August 24 at the Peaine Township Hall. John Works reported that dust control was applied to the roads. The cost of the liquid was 80¢/gal. Gary Voogt came up with a figure of $900,000 to asphalt Sloptown Road to the Beaver Island Airport, providing no trees have to be taken out or no widening of the road done.
John Works would like to remind people to vote for the Road and Airport renewal millages at the August 6th Primary Election.
Pam Grassmick presented a sign by the BIPOA giving the message to keep the Island clean. The idea of putting up the signs on Township property was well accepted if the signs could be wooden and not advertize the BIPOA.
More road signs are needed, but the CCRC will only install metal signs, although they will purchase a router so we can make our own wooden signs.
Public comment: Frank Blatt reported on the Airport Committee meeting; topics discussed were tie-down fees, five-year Development Plan, and abandoned cars. Rod Nackerman mentioned how nice the Airport is looking. Fred Haubold suggested the Airport Committee have more frequent regular meetings. He also questioned Connie Wojan about the Medical Centers accounts receivables. It appears there has been large amounts of write-offs due to uncollectible patient accounts. He will attend the next Medical Board meeting to get some answers. A joint township meeting with the Medical Board and consultant is scheduled for August 21.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
St. James Township: Regular Meeting of July 3, 2002.
The annual $450 fee for the use of the Public Access at Beaver Island Marine was discussed at length, because the access is sometimes blocked by other watercraft tied up at the Marina. A letter will be sent to Beaver Island Marine requesting the access always be open for use.
The shrubbery around Main Street/Michigan Avenue has all been replaced and will require weekly watering until mid September. The Fire Department will take care of the watering. The new shrubs were placed without further cost.
Township Engineer Gary Voogt gave a final report on the 2001 Beaver Island Improvement project. The Main Street/Michigan Avenue, Back Highway, Sewer Project, and Boat Company parking lot are complete. The paving work at the Township Airport is also complete, but a section of trees still has to be cleared. Final figures have been settled with the contractors, but all paperwork has not yet been signed. The Main Street/Michigan Avenue portion cost was $1,592,000, which was 13% above the grant. The Township has received the final figures and the balance will be paid from Township savings funds.
Plans are going forth for the bike path, as to exact placement along Donegal Bay Road. If all the details can be worked out and money received, construction hopefully will begin in early September.
Vehicle tracks tearing up the new grass were recently discovered at the new septic/drain field site.
The Township purchased bags of chloride, which are stored at Wojan Excavating. Property owners may pick up 2 or 3 bags.
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