The Mother of all Tugs

Early in the morning of Sunday, July 28th, the mother of all tugs limped into Paradise Bay, broken down and escorted by a smaller tug from the same line. The Barbara Andrie, owned by the Andrie Marine Transportation and Construction Company of Muskegon (known all over the world for cement, oil, and steel transport, harbor development, shoreline protection, and underwater pipeline installation), is 120' long and develops 3,400 horsepower, but all that size and power did not help her in the face of a mechanical breakdown. Nor was her proud boast ("My sister ship won the 1998 International Tugboat Race in the Detroit River!"), or the fact that she is named after the owner of the company, any help. When she broke down, she was as helpless as any other disabled craft yet she looked so very powerful when tied off at the end of the ferry dock.
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