One Hundred Years Ago
From the Charlevoix Sentinel
April 2, 1903 Local News: The Ferry Seed Co. are shipping 3000 bushels of seed peas to Beaver Island. With an average yield the island will produce 18,000 bushels of peas. The Beaver took over 600 bushels of the seed yesterday.

Beaver Island News: Patrick Early arrived on Monday to take charge of his father's farm after his winter's absence.
Perch fishing is excellent now; one crew in charge of Jos. Left making a raise of 800 pounds one day.
Capt. Ed Martin left on Friday for Charleoix where he has a position on one of the Charlevoix tugs.
Martin Bros. had their tug Elliott partly out of the water last week while making repairs about the stern.
Pres. W. E. Stevens of the B.I. Lumber Co. made a flying business trip to Manistee, leaving here on Monday.
Mr. John Stevens left by the first boat for a visit to his family in Freesoil and also business for the B. I. L. Co.
Messrs. Bladdie and Jacobson arrived by the first boat to take their respective positions as lighthouse assistants.
Mr. Walter Nelson and family arrived Monday. They go at once to Squaw Island where Mr. Nelson is 1st assistant light keeper.
Mr. Butler, keeper of the Beaver Head Light, arrived by Monday boat with his wife and daughter to resume the charge of his light.
The B. I. L. Co. are at work on their rightaway(sic) back of the harbor. The grade is nearly ready for the ties which are being distributed now.
Father Zugelder has his telephone poles distributed between the church and the harbor so that by next week 'hello' will be the popular word.
Peter Peaine, chief of the Garden Island Indians, died at his home on Garden Island March 29, aged 75 years. Old Peter Peaine, his father who was chief before him, signed the treaty in 1853 between the whites and Indians at Detroit. Our redmen are rapidly passing away.
The town board settled up accounts yesterday and found the town has nearly $1100.00 on hand, including the school money. Now what's the matter with building a school house? A school house is a crying necessity and St. James tax payers are well aware of the fact; then why not everybody get down to business and plan to help the cause along. We have a good church and good church houses but the school house in St. James is a disgrace. The question is now up to the school officers and should be answered soon.
Charlevoix Sentinel April 9, 1903 Local News: The fish hatchery people placed 5,000,000 young white fish on the fishing grounds Thursday, and 10,000,000 since.
Marine News: The steamer Beaver took the Fox Island light keepers from Northport to their station Saturday.
Beaver Island News: Many loads of ties are being brought to the harbor on wagons since the roads dried up.
Jas. V. McDonough is getting on with the O. C. McCauly house finishing up the carpenter work.
W. J. Gallagher and son Willy returned from their trip across to the continent last Friday.
Geo. Richard was over to the Island Monday. He says he will be back again this week to resume his proprietorship over our barber chair.
John Floyd, Highway Commissioner, is drawing gravel on our business street which makes a much more satisfactory road bed than sawdust.
Mrs. C. C. Gallagher is renovating the interior of her ice cream parlor, giving it paper and paint and adding greatly to the attractiveness of her place of business.
The north end of our town from Floyds to Sendenbergs has been struck by a cleaning up epidemic. We hope every yard in the town will get a good touch of it.
Jas. Dunlevy is painting and cleaning his store, getting ready for new goods and the spring trade. He has also added to the appearance of the premises by cleaning up the lot and beach.
St. James Township voted a straight citizens ticket Monday with no opposition. W. J. Gallagher - Supervisor. Ray McDonald - Clerk. Jas. McCann Jr. - Treasurer. John Floyd - Highway Com. Jas. McCann Sr. and Jas. Dunlevy Bd. of Review.
Charlevoix Sentinel April 23, 1903 Local News: Michael McCann will probably be the postmaster at St. James to fill the vacancy caused by the death of postmaster James Gibson.
The Charlevoix auxiliary fish hatchery deposited the last of its 30,000,000 trout and whitefish fry last week and has closed up for the season. Thirty million young fish! Think of it! If one half of them mature, which the fish commission has reason to expect, they will put fat on the ribs of the fisherman.
Charlevoix Sentinel April 30, 1903 Local News: Cartier, the tailor was at St. James last week and brought home a big batch of orders.
The Steamer Beaver and the Beaver Hotel of St. James have jointly got out a very neat folder for circulation this season. It is beautifully illustrated, and contains a graphic historical sketch of the famous Island, with a map of the Island and this coast. This is proper. There is no finer steamer trip than the trip to St. James. The boat is fast, clean, and roomy, the Island is very interesting and the Beaver Hotel is a gem of a hostelry. Between Captain Pete Campbell and landlord Bonner and wife, a trip to the Island on a fine summer day is truly an experience to be remembered. We have always marveled that more people did not take it in.
Joyce Bartels
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