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April 2003
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St. Patrick’s Day Festivities in front of the Shamrock

News from the Beaver Island Wildlife Club

Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year

Chili Cook-off a Big Success

Plans afoot for a Community Walk

Talking Threads Quilt on Display at McDonough’s Market

Rural Arts and Culture Grant Update

Melvin Snags a Record Pike

Patrick Cull makes the State GeoBee

Two Beaver Island School Board Seats up for Reelection

Awarding the Bid for the New Beaver Island Health Center

How the BIRHC Board determined the need for a new Facility

On This Date

Beaver Island Peace Vigil; AmVets put up Flags on Main Street

Partnership Project Holds Meetings

A Phenomenon Made of Ice

News from the Townships & the Township Annual Meetings

Fire Department Acquires New Thermal Imaging Equipment

Deerwood - The world's finest B&B

Snow Sleuth

A fine time on Arranmore

One Hundred Years Ago

BIBCO & BITA Negotiations may be Nearing Resolution

Mary Minor 1932-2003

Charles Dunlevy 1915-2003

Weather or Not

Charlevoix County Commissioners Meetings

Beaver Island's Egg Lake Bog

Land Swap

Peaine Offered Property

Classified Ads

The Charlevoix County Commissioners

A synopsis of the 2-26-03 meeting, with all Commissioners present.

Motion approved the minutes of the February 12, 2003 meeting as presented.

Judge Richard May presented the annual 2002 budget report for 90th District Court.

Motion approved Resolution #03-013, Software purchase to assist county personnel in accessing information developed by the GIS Department, Planning, Equalization, and the Building Department.

Commissioners reported on various boards they represent and meetings they attended.

Motion adjourned the meeting.

Synopsis of the 3-12-03 meeting (Commissioner Snyder was absent):

Motion approved the minutes of the February 26, 2003 meeting as presented.

Motion authorized Chairman Frykberg to sign the new P.A. 511, Community Corrections Agreement.

Motion approved Resolution #03-014, $2,200.00 for purchase of a new computer server for the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Motion approved Resolution #03-015, $6,300.00 for a new phone system for the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Motion approved Resolution #03-016, amending the Cooperative Extension Budget by adding $1,000.00, which was inadvertently reduced from the original budget.

Motion approved Resolution #03-017, re-location of Magee Road. Motion approved Resolution #03-018, United Way Funding, a request from the Commission on Aging to apply for funding through the United Way.

Motion approved Resolution #03-019, Vital Records Fees. Fees will increase from $5.00 to $8.00 for a vital record and from $2.00 to $3.00 for a second copy and for senior citizens. Effective May 1, 2003. Motion confirmed the appointment of Don Smith to the Community Mental Health Board.

Motion authorized the Chairman to sign the Emergency Management Plan and appoint Commissioner Patrick as deputy.
Motion approved the bid of Jess Construction Co. in the amount of $9,750.00 for a barrier-free bathroom renovation at the Commission on Aging Building.

Motion adjourned the meeting.

–Jane E. Brannon, County Clerk

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