Washington Islanders Visit Beaver.
At 8 AM on October 3rd nine Washington Island Wisconsin residents took off in an Island Airways Brittany Norman bound for a day on Beaver Island. The trip, which took just over half an hour, passed over many of the beautiful islands gracing northern Lake Michigan.
Although the day was cloudy the threatening rain never materialized and the lucky Washington Islanders had a most wonderful adventure. After renting two cars and filling up with coffee and sticky buns, we toured the Print Shop Museum. After all, the connection between our two islands was first established during Mormon times, when Washington Island fishermen joined the raiders that "swept the Beavers clean." Eight of our group then took off to explore the rest of the Island. Some managed to climb to the top of the Beaver Head Light, whose second keeper, Joseph Lobdell, came from Washington Island. The ninth member who had visited before remained to talk with the museum director. A late lunch, a visit to the Marine Museum, and visits to the local stores rounded off the day's activities. We flew home to our island with some great memories, and resolved to return again next year.
Similarities we noticed included Beaver's friendly people, the habit of waving as cars pass each other, and the feeling of release from tension that we all experienced. We felt we werent that far from home. But there were differences as well: Washington Island has no paved streets with curbs and gutters; the lamps on our Main Road are just attached to utility poles; and, the really big one: our airport (singular) has only grass and no paving.
Bill Olsen, Jackson Harbor Press

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