Book Review: Bob Miles' Charlevoix II

After a 27-year wait, the second volume of photographs taken and collected by Bob Miles in and around Charlevoix has now been published, and this sensational book was worth the wait. All of the photos are captioned, and a well-written running narrative sets them in a context of the changes to come to Charlevoix in the past hundred and fifty years. A few concern Beaver Island directly, and many involve sights or characters that have entered the Island vernacular. They are organized into thematic chapters, such as early settlers, vessels that entered the villageor didn't quite make it, the homes, businesses, schools, and other buildings, Bridge Street, and notable visitors. And there is a comprehensive index.
Put together by a committee headed by Bob's son David, this hardbound book is a "can't put it down." It's available from the Charlevoix Historical Society for $45 (plus tax and postage) a bargain for its 470 large pages at P. O. Box 525, Charlevoix MI 49720.

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