One Hundred Years Ago.
Charlevoix Sentinel Nov. 6, 1902:
LOCAL NEWS: "The largest consignment of fish that ever came over from Beaver Island came over Friday on the Beaver21 cars, or about 18 tons."
MARINE NEWS: "The tugs Margaret McCann, Elliott, and Badger have been engaged by the U.S. Fish Commissioner to do spawn fishing at Beaver Island during the closed season."
NORTHERN MICHIGAN: "Anxiety is felt on South Manitou Island over indications that the island may suddenly be swallowed up by Lake Michigan. Capt. Loftberg, in charge of the lifesaving station at Sleeping Bear Point, has notified his superiors at Washington that in his opinion the island will soon disappear. A boat house recently built by the lifesavers on the island has dropped out of sight, and recent soundings have shown a depth of 30 feet, where formerly there was but 3 feet of water."
BEAVER ISLAND NEWS: "The Beaver Island Lumber Company, the new corporation which has been formed with a capital of $75,000, has bought the mill of W. F. Gill and will at once proceed to survey and grade a narrow gage railroad leading into their newly acquired timber lands formerly known as the McCrae landsa tract of over 8,000 acres of cedar, hemlock and hardwood. The new business will be very welcome to Beaver Island industry and will no doubt be the largest business of any kind on the Island." (W. F. Gill, born in Iceland, also built the store that became first the Lumber Company store and then McDonough's Market) "Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schmidt, a bouncing baby girl, on Wednesday October 29." Editor's note: this girl, Tillie (Ottilia) married George Ricksgers and became Katherine Ricksgers' mother.
Charlevoix Sentinel Nov. 13, 1902:
LOCAL NEWS: "The ordinance prohibiting promiscuous "spitting" on sidewalks has become a law and the marshal has posted notices that it will be strictly enforced. It is the duty of all good citizens to see that violations of this ordinance are promptly reported."
"The first consignment of lake trout eggs came over from the Beavers Wednesday in charge of S. M. Rose, and were shipped to the Northville hatchery. There were 20 cases, containing 3,000,000 eggs. They will continue to come at about the same rate by nearly every trip of the Beaver, during the closed season."
Charlevoix Sentinel Nov. 20, 1902:
LOCAL NEWS: "There were 21,000 deer hunter's licenses issued in Michigan this fall."
"L. S. See has received an oyster cabinet, for the keeping of the luscious bivalvesan article new in town, and one that 'fills a long felt want.' Selects and Standards always on hand."
"James Gibson, of St. James, was here Friday, on his way to Ann Arbor."
BEAVER ISLAND NEWS: "Henry Hoffman, of the Charlevoix Junk Shop is on the Island buying old iron, etc."
"Work on the grade for the new railroad will begin this week."
"Miss (Julia) Anna Gibson and Mr. W. F. Gill were married Wednesday, November 12 at the Parish House by the Rev. Alex. F. Zugelder. The wedding feast was served at the home of the bride to over forty relatives and friends, the festivities not closing until a late hour. On account of the inclement weather, the ball was postponed until the following night. The bride and groom left the Island on the Monday boat for their honeymoon.
Charlevoix Sentinel Nov. 27, 1902:
MARINE NEWS: "The steamer Beaver is about the only boat, outside the fishing tugs that will not be laid up within a week or so. The Beaver will continue on the Island route for two months yet, unless the ice forces her to lay up."
Joyce Bartels
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