At the Library
It's been a very busy summer at the Island Library. More and more folks are discovering what it has to offer. Besides providing internet access on three computers, it has an extensive collection of videos and recorded books, not to mention the thousands of regular books. And thanks to the inter-library loan system, we can get almost any book you may need.
The Library holds a Story Hour every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. with Connie Wojan, who does a marvelous job introducing youngsters to the joys of reading and doing a simple craft project. Book check-outs have grown every year, but unfortunately we also have the largest amount of over-due books/videos ever. Before you leave for the summer, please check for any of our books. There are no over-due fines, but we'd sure like to have things returned. There is a drop box just outside the office window at the front of the building. If you accidentally take it home, please just drop it in the mail. Thanks!
Phyllis Moore
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