Jeff Powers throws a Great Party

A few days before Homecoming, Jeff Powers was overcome by the desire to throw a party. Perhaps it was only a passing thought, but once he'd uttered it his loyal staff went to work ironing out the details, and before he knew it, everything was arranged. Beans had just arrived on the northernmost apogee of his annual world tour, and agreed to play. "Who else?" someone askedsomeone who apparently didn't know that when Beans takes the stage, all the music anyone could want soon fills the air. As soon as he began to play, any doubters were won over, for if it can be said of anyone, it can be said of Beans that he has pure energy in his veins.

Soon a conga posse formed and grew from five little kids who could keep the beat to a dozen, glad to be up in front of the hundred and fifty guests hunkered at the Ace pole barn parking lot on chairs and several strategically-placed stacks of lumber. Homecoming Dinner had just ended, and the crowd was happy to sip a free beer, pop, or glass of wine and snack on the chips and dipwhich included both smoked lake trout and smoked whitefish dip. Dozens of Islanders who had not been seen for awhile were in the crowd, veritable celebrities because of the rarity of their visits. Like who? Well, for example, Lester Connaghan, who at ninety-one had shown everyone the previous night at the Hall that just because he's living out west, he's no way near ready to relinquish his title as Beaver Island's Dancing Man.
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