For the 3rd year in a row Cheryl Podgorski has opened her Stoney
Acres Garden and Gifts behind the Stoney Acres Grillin part
to get the results of her productive winter out of her house.
The way her business has grown has cramped the small barn and
attached greenhouse, though, so this year she's adding another
bayfor Dan Gentle's exquisite cedar furniture, which shell
Yes, she has plants150 flats arrived in late May. But her
crafts are the crowning glory of her shop, mostly made by her
during the isolation of winter. Some are for the garden: birdbaths
(some molded from hosta and elephant-plant leaves, and some made
from peat concrete), stepping stones, and special bricks. Other
areas include jewelry (earrings and necklaces), leather, cloth
bags with Beaver Island designs, T-shirts, pillows, baskets, interior
fountains, puppets, masks, spirit catchers, work-glove creatures,
painted and coppered gourds, and silk flowers. Speaking of miniature
worlds, she has a few garden in a bottle arrangements
heavy on moss, natural geode crystals, and Jeremy Barretts
clever cut coins.

She also carries Keewaydinoquay's books on Native American plant,
medicinal, and cultural lore. And don't forget her cut-out miniature
replicas of Beaver Island's landmark buildings.
Her June workshops (1:00 3:00, $25) are set: June 10,
learn to plant a moss basket; June 17, learn
to make cement lawn sculptures; and June 24, learn
to make wind chimes and mobils. Also, her July 22nd Wild
Medicines and Herbals workshop will be at the Peaine Hall
from 10:00 until 4:00 ($50.) Call her (448-3141) to enroll.
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