On May 18th, 2004, Anna Steinbach made the day for
Beaver Island Fire Chief Tim McDonough by presenting him with
a check for $150,000 for a new fire truck. Brought to the Island
by Phil and Lil Gregg, Harold and Joyce Bartels, and Max and Irmgard
Niels in 1960, Anna and her late husband Fritz camped out on the
East Side. Fritz and their two daughters fell in love with Beaver's
tranquility. Anna had a few reservations at first, but acquiesced
upon being outvoted when the subject of buying a Sand Bay lot
and having Walt Wojan build them a cottage came up.
Wanting to do something special for the Island (in addition to
their contributions to the Health Center and other Beaver Island
projects), they learned that a new fire truck with all the bells
and whistles (all those appropriate for Beaver Island) would cost
$150,000 so she wrote a check. Tim was so flabbergasted
that he promised her, once it's finished late next fall, he'll
take her around the Island with the siren screaming however many
times she wants.
A plaque on the side of the new truck will read, In Memory
of Fritz Steinbach.
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