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August 2003
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PABI Launches a Revised Plan

PABI Sunset Picnic Update

AMVETS sponsor Lake Geneserath Fishing Tournament in September

Washington Islanders visit Beaver and suggest Exchange Trips

Chamber has Big Plans: 2nd Annual Bite of Beaver Island Expanded Fall Events

Weather or Not

On This Date

Studying Art in an Artist's Paradise

The Freedom Schooner Amistad Pays a Call

Nels Peter Sorensen, Jr.: 1938-2003

Aleta Doris Kenwabikise: 1955-2003

Proposed Downtown / Public Beach Parking Lot

Museum Week 2003

Wildlife Club News

Charlevoix County Commissioners Meeting Report

News From the Townships

A Challenge to the BIRHC Board

The Opposition Organizes

Letters to the Editor Regarding the BIRHC

From the Board: About the Current Controversy

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Wildlife Club News

(Editor’s note: with high hopes and much good spirit the Wildlife Club members met the DNR truck in late June and escorted it to the walleye pond. Nets were set in the center, with the leads running out like spokes. Buckets of fingerlings were expected, but the unfortunate yield was 1 salamander, 2 mud minnows, 8 turtles, and a few fish. Later draggings with a seine net produced no better result.)

The regular monthly meeting of the Beaver Island Wildlife Club was well attended. The hot topic was the walleye pond. A DNR officer arrived on June 27 and with the help of member volunteers set eight seining nets in the pond. The following morning the nets were pulled. Needless to say, the harvest of 67 fingerlings was a shock. We had hoped for thousands. The fingerlings were an average length of two inches and were transferred to Lake Geneserath. The success of the pond is a disappointment, not a failure, Alvin LaFreniere was quick to point out. The hard work has been done with the help of many volunteers, members, and non-members. First-year pond failures are not new to the DNR and even to researchers at MSU. When I spoke with Don Garling, fishery biologist with the MSU Cooperative Extension Service, he pointed out that walleye rearing depends on many variables. We hope to utilize the Extension manual as we plan for 2004. As we discussed this we were made aware that successful ponds are aerated to keep up the proper level of oxygen. We also had only a couple days to fill the pond and establish a food source before the fry were delivered. We also had some unseasonable cold weather during much of the rearing time. Now that we know some of our mistakes we plan to move ahead. Our first step will probably be to drain the pond and plant rye to stabilize the bottom. Thank you all for your support and help.

Walleyes as large as 28½ inches have been caught on Lake Geneserath this summer, and many in the 18-20" category. Remember to consult your fishing guide for regulations.
We have begun a deer population survey. Working with Brian Mastenbrook, our DNR biologist, we have established routes for observation. Each route will be driven every evening at the same time by a member and records kept of numbers of does, fawns, and bucks. The survey runs until September. After three years we should get a better picture of what our census is and what the buck to doe ratio is. These surveys in addition to our successful hunter contest should help us determine the status of our herd. Look for signs about the Successful Hunter Contest. Sites for registering your deer will be announced along with the rules. The grand prize by drawing will be a 12 gauge Mossberg shotgun. Second and third prizes are hunting knives. You only have to be a licensed successful hunter to register. The contest will run from Oct 1 through Dec. 31, 2003.

We are getting reports of hen wild turkeys with poults. I have seen many in varying stages of maturity. I also saw a loose dog flush a hen that flew into a tree leaving her young unattended. Her frantic clucks could still be heard as we drove away, hoping she would return to her brood quickly. Please control your pets. After two poor nesting seasons we are hoping that this year will boost our turkey census.

–Lois Williams, secretary

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