Museum Week 2003

Once again the Historical Society filled up the 3rd week of July
with a variety of presentations: 3 special Nature Walks, both
a Pet Show and a 3-day Art Show, and music, talks, demonstrations,
and tapes. Two Native Americans, bead-maker Dan Chingwa and story-teller/author
Simon Otto, drew good crowds at the onset. Robert Cole demonstrated
why the Oral History program is so important, and GLLKA members
Madeleine Jones and MaryAnn Moore, dressed in period costumes,
created a magical ambiance as they described life in a lighthouse.
Some of the slides they showed depicted volunteers helping to
restore the St. Helena Light, a scene we might witness at Whiskey
Point if the partnership between GLLKA, the Historical Society,
CMU, and St. James Township progresses along its present course.

The surprise of the festivities turned out to be the Art Show,
at which several stunning works of art were shown and sold. Staffed
by volunteers Lois Sowa and Laura Pratt, it was one of the weeks
most popular events, vying with the thankfully dry opening nights
Music on the Porch, whose 16 acts were highlighted by the Community

Antje Price answered everyones questions in the Protar
Home on two afternoons. At Pinkys bonkers Bingo game one
person won four times! But the high point had to be the celebration
of the Arranmore trip during the first intermission in Saturday
nights splendid concert. Orchestrated by old friends Cindy
Gillespie, Tara Palmer, and Paul Cole, the footage demonstrated
why this once-in-a-lifetime event affected all our lives for the
betternot just those who went.

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