One Hundred Years Ago
Charlevoix Sentinel.
January 1, 1903: County Treasurer's Report - Liquor Tax Collection, year ending December 31, 1092: Name: C. C. Gallagher; Residence: St. James; Place of business: St. James; Amount: $300; Date: May 1, 1902.
Charlevoix Sentinel
January 1, 1903: Local News: The Beaver Island Lumber Co. of St. James, has been incorporated with a capital stock of $75,000. This is the company which is planning extensive operations in timber on the Island, even to the extent of building a railroad six miles in length.

Charlevoix Sentinel
January 8, 1903: Local News: The steamer Beaver went to the Island Monday, and expects to go again Friday, weather permitting. She may make two or three more trips, but that is uncertain.
Charlevoix Sentinel
January 15, 1903: Local News: The Misses Anna Mooney and Ray McCauley, of St. James, are students at the Solar College in Chicago, taking a course in Hair- dressing, Manicuring, Cheropody, and Facial Massage.
The Steamer Beaver made her last trip to Beaver Harbor Saturday afternoon, returning Sunday morning. She had a good passage both ways, but could not get into the harbor, owing to ice, landing her freight at McCann's dock. The last mail trip last year, Capt. Campbell made with the tug Geiken the last day of January.
Charlevoix Sentinel
January 22, 1903: Local News: The tug Parmalee made a mail trip to the Beavers yesterday. She was able only to get within fifty feet of McCann's dock at the Point, but the mail was successfully exchanged. No news of importance.
List of Jurors drawn for the term of court to be held on the 2nd day of March: John E. Green - St. James; Philip C. Gallagher-Peaine.
Joyce Bartels
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