News from the Townships
Peaine: Regular Meeting of 12-10
MOTION Nelson, second Works, to approve the 11-13 minutes: PASSED. New bill-paying procedure: all bills must be submitted to the Clerk by the 2nd Monday of each month. The Clerk will enter the bills into the computer and print checks along with a check registry for review and approval by the Board at each monthly Board meeting. If approved, the Clerk will then sign the bottom voucher; the Treasurer will sign the check.
MOTION Works, second Morgan, to authorize all township employees payroll, including inspection inspectors and board of review salaries, utility bills, aviation gas sales tax, and invoices with discounts and penalties. MOTION Nelson, second Morgan, to pay current bills; PASSED.
At Lake Geneserath, Sullivan has given permission to bring equipment across his land to widen the Jordan Rivers mouth. MOTION Works, second Nelson, to hire Gordon Heikka for winter snow-plowing; PASSED. MOTION Works, second Morgan, to accept Bud Martins fuel oil bid; PASSED. MOTION Nelson, second Morgan, to renew Chamber of Commerce membership for $195; passed. MOTION Morgan, second Nelson, to change the name of Airport Road to West Airport Road; PASSED.
Jerry LaFreniere presented a plan for a 24 x 24 street-side addition to the EMS garage at the Med Center. A survey will be done and a committee formed with Board members from both Townships to discuss the best possible addition.
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