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The Marine Museum

The Marine Museum

An authentic net shed, built in 1906, houses our growing collection of memorabilia from the days when St. James Harbor was teeming with commercial activity. At one time the water's edge was ringed with vessels of the fishing fleets and commercial traffic, and for many a Great Lakes' captain the harbor was home.

The Maine Museum opened in 1980. It tells the story of the busy days in the harbor. Those times included not only fishing, but also the shipping of the products from the mill. Also represented are memories of the disasters which overtook the men and ships of the Island, and the efforts of the Coast Guard and Lighthouse Services which came to the aid of those in distress.

In this building you will also find material about shipbuilding, the vessels which have served the Island, and diving activities.

Look for information about the other islands in the Beaver archipelago as well.

By the waters edge, the Society is restoring a wooden gill-net boat which fished northern waters since 1935. Donations to help the project are sought.

Please Contact The Marine Museum at (231) 448-2254

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