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Registered: October 2002 Posts: 1,825

The first of the two 2010 "Tenth Anniversary" Cantata performances, staged on 12-4 at the Christian Church, was absolutely stunning. The musicians were wonderful, the timing precise, and the ambiance perfect for beginning the Christmas season.
The music was spectacular and diverse. There was a violin and piano number, a recorder quartet with a stunning vocal solo, a stirring duet, the Chimes Choir hitting their notes with confidence and power, and an ensemble of singers with two violins and a viola. Nancy Ferguson gave two performances which the audience found breathtaking: dressed as an angel, she stood on a raised platform and interpreted two brief musical passages through graceful whole-body movements in super slow motion.
And that was all before the glorious Cantata Choir began the main event, directed expertly by Kathy Speck. Their solos were spot-on, and the accompanying readings by Matt Ritchie and Pinky flawless and well-paced. But the high point was the harmonious blend of the 33 singers and the ululating interchange of the soprano, tenor, and bass sections, which the audience felt as a pure thrill in the back of their necks. Emotionally speaking, the composite sound was so rich and so overwhelming that the audience exploded with applause when it was finally through. Everyone had the same wishes: More! And Again!
Walking out, the group opinion was unanimously positive: at times like these, it's better to be on humble Beaver Island than at Carnegie Hall. Thanks, Kathy, and thanks to all members of the Cantata!