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BI Rural Health Center
Solicits Board Applicants

There are currently eight BIRHC directors. Because BIRHC by-laws allow for a maximum of eleven members, the Board is inviting any interested full- or part-time community residents to apply for the two unfilled positions. BIRHC board members serve without compensation. Members are expected to attend the majority of the organization’s 4 to 6 meetings per year either in person or by speaker-phone at their own expense.

In addition to regular attendance at meetings, board members are also expected to be champions for the Health Center, contribute time and talents, avoid conflicts of interest, and be team players. Because fund-raising is so crucial to the BIRHC, board members should also be willing to commit substantial time to organizing and helping at fund-raising events, financially supporting those events, and helping to solicit prospective donors.

Letters of interest should be sent to Connie Wojan, President BIRHC Board of Directors c/o BIRHC, PO Box 146, Beaver Island, MI 49782, by January 10, 2007. Candidates will be reviewed and a slate presented at the January Annual Meeting. For more information call Connie Wojan at 231-448-2379.