Beaver Island Public Services : Education
Beaver Island Community School
Award-winning K-12 education.
(231) 448-2744
Beaver Island Lighthouse School
National Register historic lighthouse buildings. Free self-guilded lighthouse tower climbs open to public daily. Original historic French made "Fresnel Lens" on display. Donations accepted. Scheduled interior tours open after renovation completed in 2003-2004. Renovation donations accepted. Public access to Lake Michigan, scenic bluff sidewalks, scenic vistas of Fox Islands and mainland. Unique residential alternative High School site (Spring and Fall Semesters) and Summer Youth Work Experience Site. 1/4 mile from sandy public beach at Iron Ore Bay with rustic restroom facilities.
CMU Biological Station
The facilities of CMU Biological Station are located on 45 acres of pristine habitat on the sandy eastern shore of Beaver Island. Established in 1966, the station offers a diversity of academic courses during the spring and summer months, and provides research facilities throughout the year. Additionally, Central Michigan University owns a 230 acre natural area on the southwest side of Beaver Island known as Miller's Marsh.
(231) 448-2325
or (989) 774-3173
D i r e c t o r y
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Lots of great things to do on Beaver Island... |
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Beaver Island entertainment organizations and events... |
Transportation |
How to Get to Beaver Island and how to get around on the Island, including rental vehicles and charters. |