- News from the Townships
- A Matter of Degrees: Jacque LaFreniere given award by National Weather Service
- Hey, everybody, Let's Paint!
- From the Museum Week Art Show
- Shimmer of the Beaver Island Royale Watercolor Society
- Beaver Island's National Resources Awards: $400,000 in 2012
- Beaver Island Health Fair planned for September 28
- The Bridge to Everywhere – starts Here
- One Hundred Years Ago
- Candidates' Forum
- A Splendid Dedication of the George and Althea Petritz Nature Preserve
- Thanks to the BI EMS and BIRHC
- New at the Island School
- Let's Walk - ideas for a self-guided walking tour of historic sites
- A congregation of different drummers - Drum in at Whiskey Point
- An Expedition to mysterious Garden Island
- Beaver Island in the Leadership Charlevoix County program
- On This Date
- New BIHS president and vice president
- BI Hospice and Beaver Island Hellping Hands
- In Memory: Bill Scherer, Ruth Ann Gatliff
- Wanted: a nurse practitioner
- The Taylorcraft Project – code name "Big Red"
- A Homecoming for Old Cars
- "Howdy!" – Bigger than Life
- It's Fashion
- Destination Paradise Bay: Delivering a Land Yacht
- A letter from the king of the Iron Men
- Classified Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
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