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Beaver Beacon - Beaver Island News and Events, Stories, Places, People, Art, Photography, and more.
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September 2011 Beaver Beacon February Island News

C o n t e n t s
        • News from the Townships
        • The Sunny Don leaves
        • The Iron Ore Creek Damming
        • TDS installs additional fiberoptic cable out Donegal Bay Road
        • Full Circle: BIRHC fundraiser
        • Native compatible plants
        • Beaver Island Comedy Group to hold auditions
        • Ted Nicholas' new Video I Dream of the Island Lauded
        • No stone left uncarved
        • On This Date
        • The Royales return
        • One Hundred Years Ago
        • Haiku For You
        • Hunting Rule Updates
        • Peeking into the Danes' Farm on Garden Island
        • The long way to Beaver Island
        • Backing up the BIRHC
        • Names of the Stars
        • You could be Protar
        • Paddling On ... and on and on
        • Ahoy Every Won
        • A Murder Mystery
        • Homecoming, into the record books
        • Our Mysterious Stone Circle
        • Watching the runners
        • Amvets award scholarship
        • Niagara Prince pays a call
        • Pretty in Yellow
        • The Whiskey Point Flag
        • Look Just Right
        • Reach Exceeding Grasp
        • This is the BIA
        • A new slice on the Apple Pie Contest
        • Classified Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages and Homes [ view classifieds online ]
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