- News from the Townships
- NRETC (Natural Resources and Ecotourism Committee) Hiking Guides, Garden Island Clean-up, & Forest and Wildlife Management Symposium
- The Glassman
- Destination Paradise Bay: the Season’s first Sail
- A Freak of Nature
- Running—How to get Started
- One Hundred Years Ago
- Sandhills on the Fen
- A New Book from the BIHS set for release July 1
- The Second Annual Beaver Island Archipelago Challenge Poker Run set for July 11
- Aerial photography underway
- The Eric Fogg Family Spreads the Word

- Introducing the Human Services Commission
- Hold the Train
- The View from the End
- Whirly Goes Down: An Air Station Detroit US Coast Guard Rescue Helicopter accident reminds us not to become dull to life
- Let the good times roll: Par for the Course
- Museum Week Almost finalized
- Painting on Ice: the art of Mary Stewart Scholl (on the cover)
- No place like nowhere
- Beaver Island Volunteer Corps has "Cottage for Karen" foundation in; Framing set for July 10
- Beaver Island Citizen of the Year
- Destination Paradise Bay: “What's the ferry ride going to be like?” - Checking in with #45002

- On This Date
- Training to Save Beaver Island
- Classified Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
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