Paddle for Food
Ken Bruland's 85-mile solo kayak trip to benefit the Beaver Island Food Pantry. Help Ken gear up for the trip by being one of his sponsors. And help the cause by donating to the Beaver Island Food Pantry - jars at McDonough's Market, The Station at 4-corners, and The Beaver Island Community Center.

Waugoshance! A photograph of Ken heading for Waugoshance point by Frank Solle and thanks to an Island Airways Flyover. Please consider donating to the Food Pantry / Paddle for Food so Ken's long paddle fulfills the hopes to support this good cause.

Baroque on Beaver is here! Thursday - Chamber Music Concert. 7:30 at the CMU Gillingham Auditorium; Friday - Orchestra and Soloists. 7:30 at the BI Community Center; Saturday - Chamber Music Concert. 7:30 at the Holy Cross Parish Hall; Sunday - Orchestra Concert, 2:00 at the Holy Cross Parish Hall

Don't miss the Beaver Island Music Festival July 16 - 18!

Beaver Island Archipelago Challenge Boating Event - Poker Run - a good fun and safe event, no speed required. Meet at 1:00 at the Shamrock on July 5th (rain date July 12th) to receive your chart of the course. $100 entry fee per person. First prize is 25% of the take, so bring your friends. Boats will be stationed around Beaver, Garden, and High Islands to give out cards. Proceeds go to the Beaver Island Community Center.

Enter your boat in the 4th of July Lighted Boat Parade - Help lightup Paradise Bay at Dusk on the 4th of July fifth annual Clyde Fogg Memorial Boat Parade. For info, call Mike Weede
(House) 231.448.2708
or Paradise Bay Dive Shop 231.448.3195. Trophy for the best boat!

Beaver Island Electric Car Show - The electric car show is coming back to Beaver Island on Friday June 26 and Saturday June 27. Last year's car show attracted over 400 visitors, and over 200 test drives were given. Six electric cars were sold on the island last summer. The island now has a fleet of 13 electric vehicles.

Beaver Island Citizens of the Year - Congratulations to Jim and Mary Gillingham named 2008 Beaver Island Citizens of the Year at the April 25 Chamber Banquet. Beaver Island thanks Jim and Mary for all they do for the Island.

And Beaver Island Organization of the Year - goes to the Beaver Island Fire Department. Pictured Fire Chief Tim McDonough accepts the award. Thank you to the Fire Department for their dedication and hard work to keep our Island safe. Full story in the upcomnig issue.
Beaver Island Citizen of the Year - Banquet April 25 at the Shamrock.
9&10 News Video: Special St. Patrick's Day Tradition on Beaver Island (viewable online)

Harbor open for the season - to start April in spring-fashion, the USCG Mobile Bay returned to the Island to open the harbor so the ferry can begin her season. Photograph by Frank Solle.

St.Patrick's Day Festivities March 14 starting at 1 pm on Main Street in front of the Shamrock -
Paddy Wagon Race- 5 man team (new event involved)
Fish Toss (individual event)
Tug-O-War- Hayseeders-vs-Fishchokers
Panties in a Knot- 4 man team (new)
Fish Stomp - 4 man team
Mix and Match- 1 man 1 woman (new)
Back to Back-4 man team (new)
Limerick Contest: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
King & Queen Contest 2 people
Judged on talent, The Jig, 1 Trivia Question, Costumes Required, Judged on Entertainment Value

New Beaver Island Community School - A formal Dedication Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 11:00am.
Many thanks to all in the community who made this happen. This is a building that will serve our community well for years to come. Thanks to Beaver Gems and all of their subcontractors for the quality work. And, thanks to our temporary hosts, St. James Township, Beaver Island Christian Church and CMU Biological Statiion.

Thank You Sue and Welcome Back Chris - The Beaver Island Rural Health Center threw a party on January 31st to thank Sue Solle and staff for their work running the Center with one primary caregiver, and to welcome back Chris VanLooy as our new co-caregiver.

Beaver Island welcomes the newest tug, the Wendy Anne. Photos and story of the tug and journey from the east coast to Beaver Island in the November Beacon. Also photographed lighting the harbor for the holidays.

A wreath is dropped in memory of the crew of the Bradley off Gull Island by the Beaver Island Historical Society with the help of Island Airways. Story in the December Beacon.

Beaver Island Celebrates New Year's Eve together at the Hall - featuring
Danny Gillespie,
Danny Johnston,
Cindy Gillespie-Cushman,
John McCafferty,
Joe Moore,
Edward Palmer & Brian Roman with special appearances by
Joddy Croswhite, Sheri Timsak,
Miranda Rooy &
Kevin White. Raffles, 50/50, Light Buffet at
Midnight, Live Music
Happy Hour 5:30 - 8:30
Hors D'oeuvres
Music Starts at 6

The Blues of November - Distinctive blues artist Ray Bonneville cooks up a deep groove blending a unique percussive guitar style, his weathered voice and a soulful rack harmonica for a powerful evening of “walkin-style” blues. November 9 at the Community Center.

Boodle & Bite
- October 4 : starts with an 8-mile bike ride this year at
8 a.m. and you'll be back in time for the annual Island Boodle, the 5 K

- In Concert Monday
September 8 7:30pm $15
at the Beaver Island Community Center. “
Irish Music Magazine
“Slide…the future of Irish Music.” Radio 1, Ireland

Baroque on Beaver Returns for Seventh Year with five performances this year at CMU, the Parish Hall, and the Community Center.

Livingstone Studio's Meet the Artists Show and Sale is now in its second year after a very successful first debut last summer bringing all the Livingstone Artists together.

The Wisdom of
Our Ancestors - Teacher and peace activist
Seamus Norgaard discussed
The Wisdom of our Ancestors,
talking about Celtic culture and lore
ranging from Ireland to Beaver Isle.

Shipwreck Diving - Mike and Gail Weede presented
another thrilling episode of diving
on the Island’s shipwrecks such
as the Niko.

Imagineer -
Bruce Struik hosted an interactive
program in which the audience
suggested how specific found
natural objects might become art,
after which they viewed the actual
finished pieces.

Music on the Porch - kicked off the 28th Annual Musuem Week.

The Yankee Lady B-17 touched down at the township airport just before 4pm July 18, being delayed during the day due to fog.

The Beaver Island Music Festival "The Island Rite of Summer since 2003" Click here for the programme of musicians who will perform this year!

Early experiments in near infrared photographs are becoming more promising. The Harbor

Grand Opening Week - of the new Beaver Island Community Center Photos in the July Beacon.

Paintings with Patina, Photographs of Planets - Don't miss the Memorial Day Art Show at Mary's Gallery. Opening May 24th.

It's up - The three new 180' E.W. Marine towers, on the Font Lake side of Donegal Bay Road, at the East Side Fire Station, and at Greene's Lake, are now up. Photographs in the May Beacon!

The Return Trip - James Kenwabkisi in the Ruby Ann breaks out from the point through 16" ice to re-open the harbor for the Emerald Isle's return trip with Bud Martin on the ice ready to chainsaw when needed. Full story and photographs in the April Beacon!

In Route to Whiskey Point - You've never seen the Ruby Ann here before! On a flatbed trailer in front of the Harbor Light waiting to launch into a chainsaw cut berth in the ice.

Nudging the ice away - the Emerald Isle makes her way to the dock with the Biscayne Bay beside

The Biscayne Bay clearing the harbor with her side bubblers pushing ice out from the hull.

Passing Whiskey Point required one or two back-downs, but was in general a smooth operation after the long day reaching Charlevoix. Many pictures from Charlevoix, Beaver Island, and the air in the April Beacon.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Photographs from the cold, but great, day in the April Beacon.

Pinky Lee on NPR - Beaver Island's Jenny Bousquet and Holly Keller have been playing music together for the past year, writing songs about family, love, and seasons with a folky, soulful style. Both women play guitar and mandolin while singing unique vocal harmonies. March 15 2008.

Plans for the new Beaver Island Community School are now nearing completion. Story, floorplan, and elevation in the February Beacon.
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