- News from
the Townships
- Letters:
Glen Felixson retires as Harbormaster and manager of the Yacht
Dock (Municipal Marina) after 17 years
- Commission
on Aging to improve
- Wireless
project to move forward once again following zoning update -
construction on three tower sites to commence soon
Landscaping Begins!
- A Budding
local Writer from the Beaver Island Lighthouse School
- Halloween
at The Stone House
- Islanders
clean up at sloppy Northern Lights League tourney
- Chenille
Sisters Conquer Beaver Island, first the children and then their
- Regulated
periodic search of the school for violation of drug-free schools
guidelines: nothing found
- Par for
the Course: It was the best of times, it was the best of times.
Bill Detwiler, Bob Simpson, Ron Wojan: Fall League Champions
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- Happy
Birthday, Dear Airplane: Liz and Paul Niehaus' complete bicentennial
makeover of their Cessna 172, thanks to the skill of Paul Welke
and Island Airways
- Fastest
on the Island. the annual Boodle & Bite of Beaver Island
- Blessing
of the Pets; An old friend on the Horizon, the St. Marys Challenger
- Low-water
reflections: still beautiful (and some improvements at Miller's
Marsh, despite the low-water year)
- On This
- In Memory:
Eunice Hendrix, Jim Egbert
- 20 Thoughts
on Phragmites
- Island
Educational Pioneers
- Algae
Monitoring Results
- Hannahville
claims volleyball title
- The Irish
- Beaver
Island Historical Society: a Summary of Activity
- Tight
Little Island II
- Classified
Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
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