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Lots of great things to do on Beaver Island... |
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How to Get to Beaver Island and how to get around on the Island, including rental vehicles and charters. |
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- Last run
of the Emerald Isle on December 14 (the Beaver Islander will
finish the last week)
- News from
the Christian Church
- School
plans begin to take shape
- Public
input wanted for Charlevoix County Vision Statement
- High hopes
in new era of Hoops
- Pellston
hosts'n boasts at Districts
- Sports
Boosters Update
- A Special
Flight on the Wings of Mercy
- A New
Name for BIPOA: The Beaver Island Association
- A letter
from Brian Mastenbrook, Wildlife Habitat Biologist: Phragmites
Treatment in review
- Job Shadowing
on Beaver Island
- The Boodle:
A Tradition
- Wireless
Internet tower foundations poured
- TDS press
release: DSL Coming Soon to Beaver Island
- Wintry
Road Trip
- Cindy
Ricksgers: Art through time and magic
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- On This
- It Was
Only A Bird; a fitting story by Phil Gregg reprinted for the
- In Memory:
Joy Green, Sheila Robert, John W. Works, Emmett Martin
- Clinic
grounds get Upgrade
- Horseshoe
Reef; Scientists: Riverbed not eroding
- Alarming
Bird Deaths
- Holiday
Happenings for Kids; New Year's Dance; The Cantata (December
8th and 9th); School Program December 18th
- Letters:
The Gravel, The Dust (on West Side Drive and Fox Lake Road)
- Michigan
Outdoor Writers Association Group to Visit Beaver Island
Solicits Board Applicants
- Beaver
Island needs Advanced Life Support
- Letters:
Shanghaied to Charlevoix
- Par for
the Course
- Classified
Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
and Homes [ view
classifieds online ]
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- Letters:
Glen Felixson retires as Harbormaster and manager of the Yacht
Dock (Municipal Marina) after 17 years
- Commission
on Aging to improve
- Wireless
project to move forward once again following zoning update -
construction on three tower sites to commence soon
Landscaping Begins!
- A Budding
local Writer from the Beaver Island Lighthouse School
- Halloween
at The Stone House
- Islanders
clean up at sloppy Northern Lights League tourney
- Chenille
Sisters Conquer Beaver Island, first the children and then their
- Regulated
periodic search of the school for violation of drug-free schools
guidelines: nothing found
- Par for
the Course: It was the best of times, it was the best of times.
Bill Detwiler, Bob Simpson, Ron Wojan: Fall League Champions
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- Happy
Birthday, Dear Airplane: Liz and Paul Niehaus' complete bicentennial
makeover of their Cessna 172, thanks to the skill of Paul Welke
and Island Airways
- Fastest
on the Island. the annual Boodle & Bite of Beaver Island
- Blessing
of the Pets; An old friend on the Horizon, the St. Marys Challenger
- Low-water
reflections: still beautiful (and some improvements at Miller's
Marsh, despite the low-water year)
- On This
- In Memory:
Eunice Hendrix, Jim Egbert
- 20 Thoughts
on Phragmites
- Island
Educational Pioneers
- Algae
Monitoring Results
- Hannahville
claims volleyball title
- The Irish
- Beaver
Island Historical Society: a Summary of Activity
- Tight
Little Island II
- Classified
Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
and Homes [ view
classifieds online ]
c t o b e r
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- Bite of
Beaver Island weekend events: the annual Island Boodle 5k/Run
Walk, the Bite expanded to both the Holy Cross Hall and a tent
across from the Municipal Marina, a performance by the Chenille
Sisters at the CMU Auditorium, dancing with a Ceili and Hooley
- Crossing
Lake Geneserathon Foot
- New School
Building Project fall schedule; State Superintendent of Education
Mike Flanagan plans to visit Beaver Island
- Island
Treasures Resale Shop to open soon on Donegal Bay Road
- Beaver
Island Rural Health Center Raffle has Record Sales - thanks
all those who made raffle a success once again
thanks community for work on Phragmites
- A Great
Place to Write
- Fall Sports
in Full Swing
- The Third
Annual Beaver Island Celtic Games with the Grand Traverse Pipes
& Drums
- On This
- In Memory:
Agnes Bird 1915-2007
- Draining
Lake Michigan - More Information on Water Levels
- Reunitedthe
mighty Kahlenberg goes back in the Bob S
- Remembering
our shared tragedy on 9-11
- Arranmore
Grotto Dedicated
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- Healing
& Joy at Taras Meadow
- A Music
Benefit at Unfinished Farms that drew the whole Island
- Letters
to the Editor: excessive gravel on Island Roads, Island Dogs
deported by law enforcement
- Nackerman
Family Reunion
- The Annual
Bridge Walk
- Par for
the Course
- Observations
from the Advice Booth 2007
- Classified
Ads, Island Property for Sale, Beaver Island Rental Cottages
and Homes [ view
classifieds online ]
e p t e m b e r
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Beacon | Subscribe
o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- September
Island Events
- Beaver
Island Community School Recognition Dinner for Joe Moore, Jim
and Donna Stambaugh, Jacque LaFreniere, and board members John
Fiegen and Linda McDonough 9-15
- A New
School; a thank-you to voters
- Three
New Teachers at the Beaver Island Community School
- Welcome
to our world: Aiden Christian Acevedo
- Attention
Gardeners: Let's plant and maintain a new garden at the Health
Center, and beyond...
- The Lakes:
22" Down and Falling
- Our New
- A Season
of Change: MHSAA switches eight scholastic sports seasons
beginning fall 2007
- Road Bowling:
Every Tuesday at 6:30 - come to Paid een Ogs to watch
or roll!
- Soccer:
Islanders Scrimmage Red Hawks; Volleyball: Islanders shine at
early tourney
- Homecoming;
Booster Club Thank-You
- Tough
Times for the Tiffany
- The "Affair
to Remember" - Generosity Makes BIRHC Auction a Success!
- On This
- Little
Sand Bay Trail Improvements Complete
- Great
things for harvest at Farmers Market
- Bright
reflections and perceptions: from the CMU Royale Watercolor
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- Senior
Housing coming Closer
- A Perfect
Day for an Art Fair
- Making
Tiles, Books, and Paper
- Nurse
Practitioner Needed
- In Memory:
Dr. Leonard J. Siudara 1913-2007
- Island
Library Helps Scouts Earn Badges
- Par for
the Course; Trudys Tournament; Sowa repeat, sort of
- Events
at the Christian Church
- Baroque
on Beaver: To the Community; Island Tribute
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
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Beacon | Subscribe
o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
Annual Meeting - Shoreline owners asked to fight Phragmites
- Upcoming
Island Events
- PABI Sunset
- Blob,
Glob, and Chuck tour Beaver Island
- A Farmers
Market coming to the Paradise Bay Coffee Shop in August
- Letters
to the Editor: in support of School Building
- Sizzle
into Summer: the Annual PABI Beaver Island Fashion Show with
fashions from the Boat-Tique
- Let's
Build a Better Boardwalk - repairing ravages wrought by beavers
- Coming
Attractions at the Beaver Island Rural Health Center Auction
- an Affair to Remember
- A Camp
Quality Thank-you to the Island!
- The Fine
Art of Ferryboat Sleeping
- Photographs
and stories from Museum Week 2007
- On This
- Welke
Flies AmVets to see the Yankee Lady; Plans underway to bring
this B-17 Flying Fortress to the Island next year
- Baroque
On Beaver - four performances and music camp
- Irish
Road Bowling comes to Beaver Island
- The Mystery
at Eleven Feet
- Gillingham
Academic Center Dedicated
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- The Fourth
of July Parade - Main Streets heavy traffic
- Boyne
Thunder - skimming across Lake Michigan for a good cause
- New Langford
Music Room Dedicated at the Library
- Charging
Around - Paradise Bay Coffee Shop Electric Charging Station
- Pikes
Prevail in Playoff; then Ladies find Perfection
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
J u l y
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- Arranmore
Grotto underway
- Switchback
July 5 Irish Music Concert to benefit the Aranmore Park Benefit
- Inland
Seas July Kayak Eco-tours
- Donovan
Langford IV Music Room to be dedicated July 15
- CMU Summer
Nature Walks
- The Vances
and Greggs celebrate; Rachel announces; Eric welds; BICAA recieves
check from Charlevoix County Community Foundation to support
summer Baroque on Beaver programs
- Lets
Go Golfing
- Mitch
Ryan comes to town August 2 to speak about his experience working
with the Karen people of Burma
- The Dennis
Sullivan comes to the rescue
- Nets full
of Green
- AmVets
ceremony to dispose of unserviceable Flags
- On This
- Art at
Montaage and Livingstone Studio
- Independence
Day events
- the Big
Neils are coming
- Thunder
on the horizon - July 21st
- Museum
Week: the schedule
- What really
happened at the May Pole
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- In memory:
Robert Allen Kenwabikise, Helen Selfridge, Norman L. Banghart,
- Save the
petals, save the scales: Letters: Where Have all the Flowers
Gone? Save the Smallmouth
- Forrest
Powers - on the Dean's list - again.
- The Amazing
Story of the Quilt that Named Itselfand other true tales
of art
- Library
loses some services due to state cuts, remains strong with others
- Support
the BIRHC and win wonderful unique packages from locals
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships; Island Broadband
Plans continue
- Beaver
Island Calendar of Events
- Melissa
wins Another Award; Summer Kids Ace College; Islander Graduates
- Baroque
on Beaver Summer Music Camp
- Beaver
Islanders invited to May-Pole Dance at Taras Meadow .
pursuing Digital X-Ray Technology: Senior Housing Facility
- New Plan
for BIRHC Summer Fundraiser
- Sarah
McCafferty - Paramedic!
- Total
Response to Wildfire
- Loon Trip
- Wildlife
Club Improving Habitat
- Diamonds
on the Water
- Annual
Ladies Golf Tourney
- Honoring
BI Women
- On This
- CMU Summer
Field Trip Schedule
- Inland
Lake Eco-Tours
- Beaver
Island Community School Grads Ready to Begin Next Chapter
- Setting
the Resale Shop
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- News on
the evil weed - Phragmites Control Update
- In Memory:
Roberta McDonough Huey, Merriam Neurohr, Josephine DeVogel
- The Art
of Sailing
- PABI's
Casino Night
- Austin
Eicher wins Again!
- The Paradise
Bay Pedicab Arrives
- Team Peterson
Claims Road Rally
- Summertime
and the driving is easy (new SUV for the BIRHC summer raffle
fundraiser arrives)
- Letters:
Two Sides to Every Story
- Doc, Doc
Goose - a prescription for fun
- Vote Set
for School Improvements
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
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Beacon | Subscribe
o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- The fate
of Rural EMS is Different
- News about
Music - Baroque on Beaver Summer Music Camp
- Beaver
Island Wildlife Club - a continued effort to improve our wildlife
- A Community
- PABI Road
- The 6th
Citizen of the Year is named
- Spring
Sports Awards, and a farewell to coach Myers
- What does
the Historical Society do? Please vote yes on May 8
- On This
- Oh my;
Mary has done it again
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- In memory:
JoAnne Scripps Hooker, James Martin, Thomas Kleppe
- Central
Solutions Inc. now signing up wireless broadband customers in
- Loons
- CMU Tracking
Smallmouth Bass
- Non-discrimination
on the golf-course: Does Your Biology Prohibit You to Play in
the men's league?
- In a world
ruled by Bugs
- Do you
know which way the wind blows? A talk on the downsides of Wind
Farming in marginal lcations
- You
cant be too careful to be staged by the Beaver Island
Community Players June
- The American
Girl's first run of the season
- Welcome
Philip Mogford
- Resale
Shop lot gets a tree and brush trim
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
p r i l 2 0 0 7
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships, EMS, & reports from the Township Annual Meetings
- Music
camp to accompany sixth Baroque on Beaver
- Beaver
Island: A Great Lakes Jewel stage one coming to completion
- Honoring
Chief Peaine the new display at Peaine Hall
- From the
21st Annual Beaver Island Talent Show
- 2007 Golf
Course News
- Arranmore...
- Upcoming
School Election
- Thanks
from AmVets Post 46 and AmVets Auxiliary the generous support
of the benefit breakfast for the family of Jean Palmers
grandson, SP E-4 Nicholas Brown
- On This
- (on
the cover)
Kenwabikise and Skip Duhamel open the harbor
- The Rewards
of being Citizen of the Year
- In Loving
Memory of Ronald Haggard
- Surprise,
Surprise... Happy 60th, Chris!
- Beaver
Island Celebrates the Great Day... photographs from St. Patrick's
- Firemans
Fund Insurance presentation to the Fire Department
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- BI Broadband
News... Central Solutions on-Island lighting up harbor area
- Why Do
I Like Pancakes?
- Islanders
volleyball stung at Districts by Hornets
- Basketball
team second in first NLL tourney
- Doing
Well by Doing Good - our trip to New Orleans
- Start
Saving! Resale Shop to begin anew
- Michigan
Sued by Foreign Fish
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- some info
about BIBCos new schedule
- Island
Residents show interest in School Board Openings
- School
building improvements - School Board Chooses BETA Design
- Island
Students Recognized for Commitment to Academics
- Island
Students Outscore Others on MEAP tests
- Island
Roads: Good Enough - Public votes against additional road millage
- pictures
from an afternoon at the Burke Farm
- One Hundred
Years Ago: Strang defended
- Little
Traverse Conservancy reaches out to Our Kids
- Welcome
Ava Lorraine!
- It's
the Little Things that Count
- Biggest
Loser; Biggest Winner
- Take part
in the Citizen of the Year nomination process
- The Wildlife
Club receives input on cormorants
- Out
of the Blue - a serial science fiction story starring people
and places of Beaver Episode 7: The
- On This
- Islanders
wrap up their seasons
- Better
- New &
Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
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o n t e n t s
- News from
the Townships
- Year-end
report from our EMS
- School
board filing deadline nears
- What can
we do to Improve our Roads
- Its
not easy to save a life on a night like this - the Beaver Island
Rural Health Center, EMS, and Coast Guard ship Biscayne Bay
team up to achieve a night rescue
- Is Wireless
Broadband almost here, there, and everywhere? Visits from
OnWeb90 and Public and Joint Township Meeting with Central Solutions,
- On This
- A Bumpy
Month for Islanders
- CMUs
new Academic Center
- How is
it possible? Tim Turns Fifty!
- Out
of the Blue - a serial science fiction story starring people
and places of Beaver Episode 6: Certainty
- Welcoming
Goodbye to Papa Bob
- Brad and
Drew graduate
- Neal Green
receives award
- One Hundred
Years Ago
- Students
Sparkle at the Geo Bee
- News from
the Health Center; BIRHC Plans New Summer Fundraiser
- About
the Cover: the long-delayed snow finally blanketed Beaver Island
on January 15th, including the beautiful scenic overlook built
by the Friends of the Trails at Martins Bluff.
- New & Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
a n u a r y 2 0 0 7

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o n t e n t s
- No Snow, No Problem Christmas still brings Much Joy!
- News from the Townships
- Coast Guard cancels Live Fire Zones due to public, environmental
- News from the Beaver Island Wildlife Club
- Thanks to Dean and the EMS
- V-6: Island Families
- A Big Step Forward
for Beaver Island Music: You
Dont Know Me brilliant new release by Sheri
- On This Date
- In Memory: Clayton A. Kline
- BeaverIslandNews.com
goes forward
- Broadband wireless
meeting Joint Township & Public with NG Wireless,
Inc. January 17th.
- Out of the Blue - a serial science fiction story starring
people and places of Beaver: Episode 5 Song Lines
- Don't Pull the Plug on the Great Lakes
- Beaver Island Calendar of Events
- Wishlists for Santa
- Dody Bedford: fascinated by Beaver
- Islanders open season with double sweep
- Twelve Days: our schools Wonderful Christmas program
- Letters to the Editor: Port St. James Association Actions
- The Next Big Invasion: Shrimp
- First Snow, Time to Go
- Island Firm Merges
- Knitting toward a Big Goal: 1, 2, 3, 4
100,000 Sweaters
for Kids
- Elsenheimer takes on School Funding Inequalities
- The AmVets choose Dave
- Grant for BIYC Arts
- The Cantata Hits Six
- One Hundred Years Ago
- New & Improved Classified Ads [ view
classifieds online ]
Beaver Beacon Contents |
Beaver Beacon Contents |
Beaver Beacon Contents |
Beaver Beacon Contents

2002 - 2005 Beaver Beacon Archive
R e c e n t S t o r i e s
at The Stone House - All of you kids zero to death
come to the Stone House, if you dare, for some scary treats
and a few tales. You never know what creatures you might find!
photograph by Frank Solle

Island Boodle - The Island Boddle 5K starts at 10:00
am on October 6. For additional information please contact event
organizers Gail and Mike Weede at (231) 448-3195 or (231) 448-2708.
Registration from 8:00 am until the Boodle starts at 10:00 at
the Shamrock.

Bite of Beaver Island This year, October 6th , the
Bite of Beaver Island is so big it's spilling out of the Holy
Cross Church Hall. The expanded event will have two main locations
this year: Holy Cross Hall and The Main Street Tent across the
street from the office and Municipal Marina. The Bite Committee
is chaired by Kathy Speck.

and a big Irish Hooley - There will be a Ceili on Friday
night at the Shamrock beginning at 8:00 p.m. (island time) Come
out and learn Irish Set Dances, Waltzs and Quick Steps. (yes
there will be instructors!)
Saturday beginning at 8:00 p.m. there will be a Hooley at Holy
Cross Hall. Various artists will be performing. There will be
a Cash Bar and $10 admission.
More »

Sisters Perform on Beaver Island at the CMU Auditorum
on Saturday October 6, 7:00 p.m. Rides avaialble from in front
of the Museum Porch. The popular singing trio from Ann Arbor
is wWell-known for their close harmony arrangements in a variety
of musical styles - jazz, blues, country-folk, old favorites
- interspersed with humor, wit and whimsy.
More »

gathered at the East Side Fire Hall on 3-20 to witness the presentation
of a check for $125,000 from Firemans Fund Insurance to
the Beaver Island Fire Department. The money was spent on a
beautiful, brand-new 3,000-gallon tender, which cost $175,000.

St. Patrick's Day
March 17 - Games begin outside at 1:00 p.m. in front
of the Shamrock. Indoor this year Paddy's Feud in addition
to the favorites! »

Boodlers play the Shamrock on Friday and Saturday night.
(Beachcomber will also be open) »

Anam (Isle Soul), a new island band consisiting of Cindy
Gillespie-Cushman, Kevin White, Patti Cull and Miranda Rooy
will be making their debut at Donegal Danny's on Friday. »

Danny and Danny, Edward Palmer and Cindy Gillespie-Cushman will
be at Donegal Danny's on Saturday night. »

Holidays - from the annual Cantata

the School - The Twelve Days of Christmas

Santa of course! Lots of Island holiday photos in the January

with the Coast Guard - The first training exercise
for our new rescue boat. Story in the September Beacon.

photos in the September Beacon

House Construction - The hallmark old store facade
is now almost in place on the new building Click
for more pictures.

in Beaver Island Beekeeping with Dyanne Tracy Saturday at
the Parish Hall.

Ray Denny Memorial Art Show was again a great Success with
live music from Ted Nicholas and beautiful work on display from
Frank Solle, Tom & Vicky Rockwell,
Jane Maehr, Doris Larson, Pat Boyle, Nancy Peterson,
Sue Thomson, Mary Rose, Carol and Bob Avery, and many more!

Explorations & Discoveries with Mike and
Gail Weede
Friday the 21st.