Veterans Day
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month our Veterans held a ceremony to honor those who didn't return from our foreign wars. The event took place at Holy Cross Church, and was attended by thirty people plus the school kids from across the street. It opened with a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a recitation of The Ragged Old Flag by Phil Gregg, who apologized for Mel Bellamy not being there: he was supposed to speak, and although he left Fondulac yesterday, he hasn't made it back yet. Phil's natural conversational style was the perfect medium for the homily on the American Flag, a recounting of the tough times it has seen us through, which ends with On second thought, mister, maybe I do like to brag/because I'm mighty, mighty proud of that ragged old flag.

Bob Hoogendorn closed out the ceremony by playing Taps.
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