One Hundred Years Ago
Charlevoix Sentinel Dec. 4, 1902
Local News: After a trip which took them to Chicago, Milwaukee, and Traverse Bay points, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gill returned here Tuesday, and went to Beaver Island for a two weeks stay.
Charlevoix Sentinel Dec. 11, 1902
Marine News: The steamer Beaver, which went to Beaver Island Tuesday, was stormbound there until this morning.
Charlevoix Sentinel Dec. 18, 1902
Beaver Island News: Great preparations are being made for a proper celebration of the Christmas Holiday this year by the children under the direction and efficient management of the Sisters.
"Capt. John McCann's new house is nearly ready for occupancy. The plastering is done and the inside finish is nearly completed. The captain and his family hope to keep Christmas in their new home.
Rev. Father Zugelder has the inside work on the new Parish stone house about completed and will move into it by New Years Day. Great credit is due the Father for his push and perseverance in accomplishing so much building and other improvements on the Parish property during the short time of his pastorate here.
Mr. A. Malloy of the Island meat market made a trip to the mainland to make purchases for his market, which he will continue to run through the winter in the same businesslike and altogether satisfactory manner for which Mr. Malloy is famous. Beaver Island is certainly fortunate in having so good and experienced a meat cutter.
Some idea of the amount of business coming to the Island this winter in the shape of the Beaver Island Lumber Company can be realized when it is understood that over 200 men will be employed that the present plant acquired by purchase from W. F. Gill will be greatly enlarged and improved and a new mill constructed at once for the manufacture of shingles, that a railroad is in process of construction from their plant to their timber lands, and a number of camps will be fitted up in the early spring for the cutting and skidding of the timber to the right of way and water.
Charlevoix Sentinel Dec. 25, 1902
Local News: Jas. Gibson, of St. James returned from Ann Arbor Tuesday, and will go home by the first trip of the Beaver. The doctors diagnosed his case as tuberculosis of the throat, and gave him very little encouragement.
Joyce Bartels
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