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December 2002
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News from the Townships

Regular Meeting of St. James Board, 11-6

Board approved the Nuisance Ordinance. No further changes to the issue of burning within the Township.

Board approved the fuel oil bid of $1.45/gallon from Martin Gas & Oil. Board approved the reappointment of Jean Palmer to the Library Board for 4 years. Board gave approval to Supervisor Vyse to sign the necessary engineering documents for the Yacht Dock project.

A special use agreement with the DNR was approved for the Sheriff Sub-station building.

BITA appointments were tabled until the full Board is present.
Board heard from adjoining property owners to Indian property on Michigan Avenue regarding unsightly conditions. Letter will be sent to Tribal Council requesting cooperation to clean up site.
Cars illegally parked at new Township septic system/drain field will be moved as soon as paperwork is in order.

Location uncertain for a flagpole donated by Bill Hirschey as a memorial to his wife.

Regular Meeting of Peaine Board, 11-13

Works, Martin, Nelson, Morgan present; Lanier absent.
MOTION Works, second Morgan: to approve the 10-9 minutes; passed. MOTION Works, second Nelson, to approve the payment of current bills; passed, with Morgan opposed because bills don't have a check number. We will look into this for the next meeting.
The DEQ permit application for dredging the mouth of Cable's Creek has been submitted. Mr. Sullivan's permission is needed to take equipment across his waterfront.

MOTION Nelson, second Morgan, to approve Special Use permit for the Bill Wagner Memorial Campground; passed. MOTION Morgan, second Nelson, to approve Special Use permit for the Sheriff's Substation; passed.

The Township audit has been completed and copies will be available at the Township Hall during the supervisor's office hours on Friday afternoons.

The airport millage was passed in the General Election. MOTION Works, second Morgan, to levy 0.5741 mills for the Airport Fund; passed. MOTION Works, second Morgan, to amend the total millage to 8.8610 mills for the 2002 tax year; passed. MOTION Works, second Nelson, to accept Tina Morgan's resignation on the Board of Review; passed.

he Medical Center will hold a special meeting with the architects on the plans for the new facility on 11-20.

Public comment: Terry Saxton suggests that concrete strips tied together should replace the gravel on the launch ramp at the Bill Wagner Memorial Campground.

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